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Hardware Workshops

Page history last edited by Brad Dettmer 9 years, 9 months ago Saved with comment

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Hardware workshops


Hardware Workshop for Arduino (limited to 19 groups)

This hardware workshop will be a fun and creative way to stretch your hacking skills.  At this beginner workshop for Arduino, learn to make interactive wearable electronics with LEDs and sensors using lilypad kit.


  Team  Team Members 
ex.  Hacker Team X

John Smith (john@smithy.com)

Terrel Payne (tpayne@yahoo.com)

Amy Gibbons (ag1976@gmail.com)

1.  Self  Hari Kunamneni 
2.  What does the fox say  Jimmy Liu (hi@jliu.me), Zuhayeer Musa 
3.  Happy 

Sumit Kumar (send4sumit@gmail.com)

bhargav (bhargavreddy@gmail.com)
4.  QTeam  Ishai Hachlili
Mehmet Bal 
5.  NOCSV24  Guo Xiang Tan
Louis Puah
6.  Mobile BOSS


7.  Self  Gregory Varias (gregvarias@gmail.com) 
8.  Self  xiaoli bai <xinranaggie@gmail.com> 
9.  Cardinal

Sudarshan (tr.sudarshan@gmail.com)

Gokul Gunasekaran (gokulavasan@gmail.com)

10.  Self  Melissa Wuenschel (melissawuenschel@gmail.com) 
12.  Self 

Vidya Setlur (vidya.setlur@gmail.com) 

Max Davila (davila.13@osu.edu)

Bruno Sanches (brunopsanches@gmail.com)

13.  Self  Steven Jackson (stevenajackson@gmail.com) 
14.  the team 

Santhosh Kumar B (bsanth42@gmail.com)
Pulah Shah (pulahshah@gmail.com

Viggnesh Venugopal


15.  Team Hacking Bad

Saravana Soundararajan (saravana87@gmail.com)

Prakashkumar Thiagarajan (prakashkumar1988@gmail.com)

Maulik Shah (shahmaulikb@gmail.com)



17.  self  Nickolay Yegorov (nickolay.yegorov@gmail.com) 
18.  Krithika Yetchina/Krishna Yetchina  Krithika Yetchina/Krishna Yetchina 
19.  Remap

Anmol Rajpurohit (anmol.rajpurohit@gmail.com)

Kenan Xin (quickalcohol@gmail.com)

20. Self

Nirav (nirav.ddit@gmail.com)

21. Self (Looking to pair up) Dennis (dennis.aldover@gmail.com)
22. Self (Looking for partner) Ethan Fan (coolioxlr@gmail.com)
23. TEAM DPS Shrav Mehta (shravvmehtaa@gmail.com), Prem Nair (prem.q.nair@gmail.com), Douglas Chen (douglaschen@gmail.com)



Hacking with Nodecopters (limited to 6 groups) 

This workshop, facilitated by Emily Rose (@nexxylove), will be an interactive session aimed at getting people acquainted with how to hack Nodecopters.  



  Team  Team Members 
ex.  Hacker Team X

John Smith (john@smithy.com)

Terrel Payne (tpayne@yahoo.com)

Amy Gibbons (ag1976@gmail.com)

1.  We, the hackers 

Santhosh Kumar B (bsanth42@gmail.com)
Pulah Shah (pulahshah@gmail.com

Viggnesh Venugopal


2.  Karma 

Amod Kumar Pandey (amodpandey@gmail.com)

Nikhil Baliga (baliganikhil@gmail.com) 

Sreekanth Pothanis(spothanis@gmail.com)

3.   QTeam

Ishai Hachlili

Mehmet Bal

4.   Mobile BOSS

Brandy Dettmer bdettmer@gmail.com


5.  Self 

 Max Davila davila.13@osu.edu

Bruno Sanches (brunopsanches@gmail.com)

6.  Cardinal

Sudarshan (tr.sudarshan@gmail.com) 

Gokul Gunasekaran (gokulavasan@gmail.com)



Wait List Self Nickolay Yegorov (nickolay.yegorov@gmail.com)
  Krithika Yetchina/Krishna YEtchina Krithika Yetchina/Krishna Yetchina
  self Ranjith Tellakula (ranjith.vn438@gmail.com)
  Self Ethan Fan (coolioxlr@gmail.com) I build pebble watch app.
  Looking to join a team Raj - reachraja2k    at     yahoo.com
  TEAM DPS Shrav, Prem, Douglas (shravvmehtaa@gmail.com)



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