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Page history last edited by Yahoo! Hack USA 10 years, 12 months ago

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Register to attend Yahoo Hack USA





Team Size

Teams of hackers win more often than individual hackers. Collaborating with other participants will help you come up with more creative ideas and accomplish more during the short time you have to code. The maximum team size is 4 hackers.


Already you should be starting to think about what you're going to build and who's going to be on your team. You can and should build any hack you want. We find that the best hacks solve problems that you yourself experience - i.e. scratch your own itch. The only limitation is that all coding must be done during the 24-hour hack period, not before the event. 


If you are still looking for a team, please use the Join-A-Team page to find like-minded hackers.


Using Yahoo! Technologies 

You are welcome to use any technologies and APIs of your choosing in your hack, but keep in mind that in order to be eligible for prizes, you must use at least one Yahoo technology in your hack. Check out this handy Yahoo! API Cheat Sheet as reference to get your hack off the ground faster. 


Source Code Requirement

All coding must be done during the official 24-hour Hacking Time, which begins at 13:30pm PT Saturday, September 28th, 2013 until 13:30pm  PT Sunday September 29th, 2013. In order to ensure all hacks are built during this time, we require all teams to post their source code on GitHub.com. If you do not have a GitHub account, you will need to set up one up.


Where to set up a GitHub Account

GitHub is a free code collaboration tool. If no-one on your team has an account, sign up for a free account


Where to Submit Your GitHub Source Code Link

You will receive instructions on how to register your hack over the weekend.  Near the end of the hacking period, you will be required to register your hack on HackTrackr. There, you will see a space to include a link to your GitHub. This is a required field in order to be eligible for prizes. 


 Register to attend Yahoo Hack USA


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